copper chef
On Monday, January 27, 2020 at 5:30:09 AM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/27/2020 3:00 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > Everything that you know is a subset of everything that I know so you got no call to be condescending.
> >
> > Copper Chef has nothing to do with copper cookware. It's just a marketing gimmick. Ceramic coating has indeed been around for a while. Teflon type coatings have been around for a while. The idea that Teflon pans, when overheated, will release a toxic gas that can be fatal to boids is nothing new..
> >
> > What is new is that younger generation's awareness of the release of semi-toxic gas. Evidently, some sort of critical tipping point has been reached. I predict that ceramic coated pans will be trending. When they find out that ceramic coatings are not that durable, they'll switch back to Teflon coated pans.
> >
> > That's just my opinion. If you have an opinion of your own then please let it be known to all. Just don't make the mistake that your opinion has anything to do with my opinion.
> >
> > The reality is that I've never heard of anybody being kilt by Teflon gas - just a few boids.
> >
> The Teflon problem is really a poor cook problem. If gives off the gas
> when heated to about 500 degrees. A lot of things give off toxic fumes
> when heated to 500 degrees. No reason to heat it that high.
Some of the best cooks in the world cook at very high temperatures. I was looking at a bunch of non-stick pan sets and they all said to cook at low to moderate temperatures. That pretty much turned me off to them because that's cooking for sissies. The Martha Stewart pan set said that high heat could cause the pans to liquify. I have no idea what that means but it was certainly alarming!