Thread: Food Safety
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Food Safety

On 1/30/2020 6:29 PM, wrote:
> On Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 4:53:15 PM UTC-6, jmcquown wrote:
>> Did anyone here see the PBS show about "The Poison Squad"? Just aired a
>> couple of nights ago (locally).
>> It's a documentary about the man who first demanded food safety tests
>> and food labelling. Trying to promote safe food. Back around the turn
>> of the last century.
>> It was extremely interesting. Also alarming what sort of things were
>> added to food before anyone had any idea what affects it might have.
>> "1883, conducted a rather grisly experiment on human volunteers to help
>> make food safer for consumers €” and his work still echoes on today.
>> Still quoting "Wiley was an indefatigable activist for food safety
>> regulations during a time when the food industry was organizing and
>> adding substances to food without any oversight, using its might to put
>> profits before people. But Wiley and his small band of chemists began
>> methodically testing suspected harmful additives and revealing the
>> effects of these dangerous compounds to the government and public."
>> I don't know about you, but I'd rather be able to read a label and know
>> there is no alum mixed in with my flour.
>> Jill

> I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes of it but it was definitely eye opening!
> Quite an interesting program and simply appalling the number of people who
> wanted to silence him. It's a wonder anyone lived to adulthood with the
> stuff they put in food.

He persevered! Everyone wanted to silence him. This stuff is *bad* for
you. Why won't you realize that? Huge industry and government lobbys,
yes, even back in 1900.
