On 1/31/2020 5:33 AM, Leo wrote:
> On 2020 Jan 30, , Sqwertz wrote
> (in article >):
>> That was a good watch. It's the first time I've sat through almost
>> 2 hours of any program (with only a couple 10 minute breaks).
>> Usually I don't watch anything I can't control with my full=featured
>> remote, but I had to compromise and Chromecasted this one to the 32"
>> TV. I haven't been in a movie theater for 29 years.
>> Somebody suggested we go see "Imitation of Christ" new years day at
>> the museum. It started at 11:AM and ended at 9:45PM. Yeah, no.
> First, for Jill, we did see €śThe Poison Squad€ť and enjoyed it. I never
> heard of the guy.
I never heard of the guy before, either. But apparently he was onto
something. Test what people are eating.
> Second, if the Ken Burns documentary on €śCountry Music€ť is ever
> concatenated, you can watch sixteen hours straight. Its spectacular,
> outstanding, superlative, and in eight, two hour segments for the time
> being. I liked it a lot!
I'm thrilled you liked "Country Music". I do love Ken Burns'
documentaries. The Civil War was great. Country Music, not so much.
They started promoting it last Summer. It's coming up. It's coming up.
It's arrived. Couldn't get me to watch more than an hour of it. Now
I'd rather watch The Antiques Roadshow. And "Finding Your Roots".
"History Detectives."
> Someday, the media may start giving out awards to pat each other on the
> back. If they ever do, they should give €śCountry Music€ť a , lets call
> it, Leo.
Oh, one of those heavy pats on the back? You got it!