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Default Dinner tonight 1/30/2020

On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:38:55 -0500, Boron Elgar
> wrote:

>On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 06:01:31 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>>On Friday, January 31, 2020 at 8:46:28 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
>>> Leo wrote:
>>> >
>>> > jmcquown wrote:
>>> > > Crab cakes, home-cut fries. I haven't decided on a green or yellow
>>> > > vegetable side yet.
>>> >
>>> > I've eaten crab cakes exactly once in Reno. They were good. I'll bet
>>> > they weren't nearly as good as East Coast crab cakes.
>>> Don't let Jill's east coast location fool you.
>>> She uses canned crab. You can buy that too in Nevada.
>>> > I've never had a lobster roll. I'm certainly missing out.
>>> For good seafood not available locally, buy frozen. It's at
>>> least 95% as good as fresh. Definitely next best thing to
>>> fresh.
>>> I remember that Ed here told us about New England McDonald's
>>> selling McLobsterRolls for a time. Boy, I sure wish I lived
>>> up there then.
>>> BTW too. Lobster is not all that. Kinda bland compared to other
>>> seafood. Good for a special occasion as long as you rarely eat
>>> it.

>>Some of us like that about lobster. I'll almost always choose
>>fish with a more delicate taste. I'm usually overwhelmed by
>>Cindy Hamilton

>Mackerel is for cats.

Meow! I love smoked mackerel. When I lived in San Diego back in the
early 60s and worked the midnight shift at Hughs aircraft we'd get off
at 6:30 AM and three of us would once a week head for the rock jetties
amd fish for mackerel. Most times we'd fill burlap sacks with a
hundred pounds each. We knew someone who would clean and smoke our
catch and he'd keep half... was still a lot of smoked fish. Warm
water mackerel wasn't the best but when properly cold smoked it was
damn good. Of course I couldn't eat fifty pounds of fish but I lived
in an apt complex and had no problem giving most away. Mostly there
were Hispanics and Orientals in San Diago, and all had relatives
working in food industries so I rarely ever needed to buy produce..
and one nice lady worked on a carnation farm so we always had gorgeous
flowers. In those days San Diego was a Navy town, was nothing but
gin mills and tattoo parlors. At that time the best San Diego had to
offer was the Zoo. Down town was a slum... could rent a nice room at
a top hotel for $2 a night... toilet was down the hall but the room
had a sink that was good for peeing.