"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 2/2/2020 12:45 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I was craving hummus. I bought some today. Yeah, I know some of you will
>> tell me how easy it is to make but I don't eat enough of it to warrant
>> purchasing tahini. I picked up a bag of Greek pita at the bread outlet
>> yesterday. Came home to find that all but one of my pita was eaten! Grr..
> I sure hope you're charging this person for the food they keep eating when
> you're not around.
Good grief! I don't charge people for food!
>> Ah but no problem. It's easy to make.. I've made it before.
>> I then discoverer that my Active Dry Yeast was badly expired. I did have
>> Rapid Rise. I've never used it before. I bought it for some recipe but
>> never made the recipe. Then I discovered my AP flour was just past the
>> "Best" By" date. And I still have the messed up oven. Despite all this, I
>> still made it.
>> I did dock it as I wanted it not to "pocket". Not sure my oven even gets
>> hot enough to pocket. I used a different stone when I made it prior and I
>> baked in on clay tiles, which I no longer have.
>> The end result is perfect! I'm going to try making this with some whole
>> wheat flour (maybe a cup) mixed in next time.
>> The recipe:
>> https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20...x3CBZ4Yd6TlxQQ
> <whew!> I'm glad it turned out well. Personally, given the expired yeast,
> the questionable "Best By" date on the flour and problems with the oven
> the gardener boy allegedly broke... I'd have sent him to the store to
> replace the pita bread, out of his own [pardon the pun] pocket.
Mine was actually a lot better. And kneading the dough was very relaxing.