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Leo[_4_] Leo[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner tonight 1/30/2020

On 2020 Jan 31, , Bruce wrote
(in >):

> I don't think conservative meat addicts in your fly-over states will
> easily eat fish. It's not what their mommy and daddy taught them. Fish
> are also hard to catch with a gun. You'd have to get all wet.

Nah. Im also a trout fisherman. The Nevada state tree is right behind
me. Notice no bullet holes in the trout. They were fly fished. I tied the
flies myself.
Oh...and I killed a rattlesnake, skinned it and made the hatband. Those
were the days, my friend. Spilling my past atrocities to you is cathartic.
Can you even imagine my savage, recreational life?


leo, the monster