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Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> I pulled these two recipes from last week.
> How does a body eat them (besides with a fork or spoon or whatever
> other smartmouth remark Bob was going to make)?

I wusn't gonna say nuthin. Oh, you was talkin' about Pastorio. Nevermind.

> I made the first recipe tonight; just took them from the BWB. I
> added a little cinnamon, clove, and grated fresh ginger.
> How are they used?

On a hot biscuit. Especially with just a little bit of butter and a
piece of sausage. It's pretty good with a whole lot of butter and no
sausage too. Tomato preserves are not very good on toast, IMHO, and I
don't know why -- you gotta use biscuits. HTH :-)
