New stove/range
Julie Bove wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
> > So far, they have not demanded conversion. New construction cannot have
> > natural gas.
> Yes but there is talk of them outlawing it all together here. The hardest
> hit will be seniors who likely own older homes. They will be expected to
> convert to electric.
That's usually not true, Julie.
Most times the "grandfather clause" is used.
Means that if you have one, you can still use gas until
you need to replace the stove or furnace, etc.
OR, if you sell your house, new owners will have to convert.
How is electricity generated for Bothell?
My one grandfather owned a house in Point Lookout, Md.
The state turned all the area into a State Park.
They paid him a "fair" price for his property and still
allowed him to live there as long as he wanted to.
Once he moved or died, it became state park property.
He lived there until he died, many years later.