On 2020-02-21 5:27 a.m., Janet wrote:
> In article al.Net>,
> says...
>> On 2020 Feb 21, , Ophelia wrote
>> (in article >):
>>> People will not be allowed to buy coal here from next February.
>> So ?coals to Newcastle? will become meaningless. Are you sure that
>> Brexit won?t change existing edicts?
> Yes. Global warming is taken seriously here.
> Coal mining is almost defunct in UK,
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil...United_Kingdom
> United Kingdom
> "All coal-fired power stations will be closed by 2024 or earlier.[133
> This will not be a complete phase-out of fossil fuels because gas-fired
> power stations will continue to provide some firm power.
> Scotland's last coal power station closed in 2016 and Wales' last coal
> power station closed in December 2019.
> Coal power in England has also reduced substantially. In generating
> capability there has been the closure of the Hinton Heavies, and closure
> or conversion to biomass of the remaining coal plants
Which resulted in my B-I-L having to close his sawmill in Scotland
because ALL of the saw-logs were being bought up by the biomass power
I don't call that an advance!!!