New stove/range
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Posts: 305
New stove/range
In article >,
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 2020-02-21 7:46 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> >>
> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> >
> >>>
> >>> When is a stove burner on it's last legs? She said that one burner was
> >>> shot and that the door was just a side bar issue. When I pointed out how
> >>> cheap and easy it is to replace a burner the story changed to all four
> >>> needing to be replaced. This is part of Julie's MO. she offers some
> >>> details but then completely changes the situation.
> >>
> >> As I said... I paid $29 plus postage some years ago to replace one
> >> burner. I'm sure they cost more now despite what you claim. Also the drip
> >> pans needed replaced and there were parts broken off under the top of the
> >> stove that lifts up for cleaning. The stove was 16 years old. It was a
> >> cheap stove. It was time for a funeral.
> >
> >
> > Then why were you whining so much about your special needs gardener
> > breaking the door?
> I wasn't. I merely mentioned that it broke
Liar, you blamed the gardener/"he who no longer lives here"
Here's what you posted in a thread called shattered oven door, Nov 17
"Had an incident with he who longer lives here (Just me and the cats
now)where the oven door shattered. The claim is he slipped on oil on the
floor,his knee hit the door and it shattered. I did not buy this story
as there was no oil on the floor. I had Angela double check this. Yes,
there had been oil on the floor two days prior and it took me a long
time to clean it up.So that part, I don't buy. Then there was the fact
that other things in the kitchen were damaged and he claimed those
damages were related to the shattered oven door, but they couldn't
possibly be."
Janet UK
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