On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 05:51:21 -0500, jmcquown >
>On 2/24/2020 5:05 PM, wrote:
>> On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 3:57:15 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
>>> And refills of diabetes juice, I assume?
>> Soft drinks (colas) are not served there. But sweetened as well as
>> unsweetened tea, lemonade, and water were on the table the entire
>> time for those wanting to refill their glasses. I did not partake
>> of the tea as I didn't know how sweet it would be and I didn't want
>> to fill up on a sugary drink.
>> I didn't eat any of the peach preserves either. Banana pudding was
>> not homemade.
>Does Bruce assume everyone in the US drinks sugary sweet beverages and
>has diabetes?
>BTW, I've lived all my adult life in the Southern US and I've never
>tasted banana pudding.
I've lived everywhere in the US, north south, east west and central
and never once tasted banana pudding, never even thought to since a
ripe banana is already practically already puddding... I do like to
add sliced banana to vanilla icecream... however for the past two
years I've been eating two bananas every day, doctors orders for night
leg cramps, and with a magnesium pill before bed. So far it's
worked... night leg cramps are awful, very painful, ruins a night's
sleep, by the time I could walk it off it was light out so I never did
get back to bed. Bananas are healthful and very low calorie with just
about zero fat. Only negative is that bananas have gotten expensive,
I can remember 9¢/lb, now they are normally 59¢/lb but sometimes
79¢/lb, and very rarely bananas go on sale for 39¢/lb... I'm tempted
to buy a bunch on sale but bananas don't keep well unless I freeze
them and at times I do, peel and wrap each in waxed paper and twist
the ends like a candy. Frozen bananas are like eating frozen custard.
I sometimes offer a frozen banana to a women, they seem to like it, I
enjoy watching women enjoy sucking on a frozen banana.