On 2020-02-25 12:32 p.m., songbird wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 10:02:36 AM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> That is today. To verify, stand naked in front of a mirror.
>> Not until I've had my paczek.
> eww, i just can't like those raised donuts. to me a
> donut has always been cake donuts and fried until
> crispy anything else is just not worth the calories.
> no frosting needed, but if i have to have one then
> chocolate frosting only and not that disgusting fake
> greasy crap. all IMHO.
Cake donuts are so much better than raised donuts. There used to be a
bakery chain, Women's Balery or National Bakery<?> that sold wonderful
cake donuts. Tim Hortons used to have several types of cake donuts, but
they switched to that par baked system and none of their donuts are
worth eating.
I made cake donuts a few times. I no longer have a deep fryer.