Yummy combo!
On 2020-02-29 1:34 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>> Nonsense! I have made real pita bread.
>>> I seriously doubt that!
>> Apparently she made pita so good that my comment about good pita not
>> keeping well or even freezing well was inaccurate because her pita was
>> so good they ate it right away. I am still trying to get my head
>> around that. Never mind the gluten issues, carbs and diabetes.
> He is back to eating gluten. Yes, I have diabetes. Yes I eat carbs.
> There is no rule that diabetics can't have carbs. I just have to watch
> how many I eat.
Were you watching your carbs intake or did you eat them all while they
were fresh?