Yummy combo!
On 2020-03-02 2:44 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 2020-02-29 1:35 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 2020-02-28 12:07 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>>>> No. They are usually an inferior form of pita, chuck full of
>>>>>> preservatives to keep them mediocre. Real pitas are really good
>>>>>> when they are fresh, but they don't keep well in the bag, in a
>>>>>> fridge or even in a freezer.
>>>>> Nonsense! I have made real pita bread. Doesn't last long only
>>>>> because it's so good!
>>>> I went back to re read what I had written to see where your little
>>>> brain got so terribly confused.
>>> Stop talking to yourself.
>> Ouch. Caught in another vortex of stupidity and you resort to a silly
>> insult.Â* I had writtenÂ* that real pitas are good when they are fresh,
>> but that they don't keep well, not even in the freezer, and then you
>> say that is nonsense because when you made them they didn't last long
>> because they were eaten up. Really????
> Yes really. Happens with all my baked goods.
Do I need to repeat it a third time? Maybe I should just type it slower.
Your claim that your pitas are eaten up immediately is irrelevant to
what I said about fresh pitas not keeping well.