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PENMART01 wrote:

> You can fabricate a rack of sorts from crumpled aluminum foil... but eye round
> being so lean you really don't need a rack. Remove any silver skin but leave
> all the fat, hopefully the butcher left some. Tie every 2 inches, season with
> s n' p and coat lightly with oil. Preheat oven to 375F. Place roast fat side
> up on center shelf. Then after 10 minutes lower temperature to 325F. For
> med-rare roast 25 minutes per pound. Let stand 15 minutes and then with a
> sharp knife slice thin... no thicker than 1/32". Do not over cook. Well done
> eye round becomes shoe leather.

It's in the oven now with a Probe set for 125F... There was a very thin
layer of fat left on one side, 'bout as thick as 3 papers towels... I'll
post an update on how she turned out soon... thanks
