Love to Hate Safeway, part the 40th
Hark! I heard "The Ranger" > say:
> Terry Pulliam > countered in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 03:24:43 -0600, Steve Wertz
>> > arranged random neurons, so they
>> looked like this:
> > >Have a turkey sammich with Miracle Whip, and get a grip.
> > Miracle Whip? Yecchhh! Heresy, sheer heresy! Best Foods Rules
> > (a/k/a Hellman's).
> Ach! BF suck 3-day-old road kill through a funnel! Miracle Whip: For those
> that want a Good Sandwich!
Euuuww! Miracle Whip is just mayo with sugar -- aptly named, it's
a Miracle if you can swallow the stuff. Best Foods *is* the Best!
This is fun... ;-)
j.j. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~ heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!