"Socks" > wrote in message

> i got curious since this thread popped up again.
> i found a big table of yeast types and conversions:
Thanks for the link. My favorite Italian bread formula calls for .75 oz.
of fresh yeast and the formula makes two loaves. I've made many loaves of
it this way. My professional baking text says I can substitute active dry
yeast for fresh yeast at a rate of 40% by weight. That's about two packets
of the stuff to make my Italian bread dough. So I made up a couple of
loaves using the dry yeast. Personally, I don't think it provided as much
leavening and it certainly didn't proof as quickly although I think the
crumb was slightly more uniform. I also thought the bread was less
flavorful but that could be just a matter of habit and preference guiding me
to that conclusion rather than objective taste.
I checked with the bakery supply house and they sell fresh yeast only in 50
lb. cases so I guess I'll try to befriend a baker.
The Good Gourmet