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Leo[_4_] Leo[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner tonight 4/3/2020

On 2020 Apr 3, , jmcquown wrote
(in article >):

> A medium rare hamburger, about 1/4 lb. of ground chuck, cooked in a very
> small hot cast iron skillet. Salted, peppered and oh, a splash of
> Worcestershire sauce. Topped with a slice of Swiss cheese when I
> flipped the burger over. Cooked to medium rare and the cheese melts
> down the side.
> Served on a toasted whole wheat bun with some potato crisps/chips on the
> side. Come to think of it, maybe I'll put some of them on the burger.

Ham n beans n carrots with cornbread. Ive used neck bones before.
I forgot how sparse the meat was. Luckily, I had some frozen ham steaks
from our New Year's ham to provide meat to the concoction. The neck bones
provided the flavor.
I usually use shanks, and the store was out. But! They did have toilet
paper. Its the first time Ive seen it sold in three weeks where I
shop. Apparently, one has to get there early
