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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Dinner tonight 4/3/2020

On Sat, 04 Apr 2020 08:35:13 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>jmcquown wrote:
>> A medium rare hamburger, about 1/4 lb. of ground chuck, cooked in a very
>> small hot cast iron skillet. Salted, peppered and oh, a splash of
>> Worcestershire sauce. Topped with a slice of Swiss cheese when I
>> flipped the burger over. Cooked to medium rare and the cheese melts
>> down the side.
>> Served on a toasted whole wheat bun with some potato crisps/chips on the
>> side. Come to think of it, maybe I'll put some of them on the burger.
>> No thanks to other condiments. I do not like ketchup, mustard, mayo on
>> hamburgers. Plain with only cheese, please. The type of cheese may
>> vary.

>I cook hamburgers (Sheldon's mystery meat) to medium with no pink
>in the middle. Also use s&p and worcestershire on each side. I
>also add swiss-only cheese if I have some handy.
>Chips on burgers - never
>Home cooked, same as the old diner burgers. You ask for the
>works and you get mayo, mustard, ketchup, onions, tomato
>and lettuce on the bun.
>If you want cheese, you ask for a cheeseburger with the works
>rather than a hamburger with the works.
>As far as the onions, I like them both ways...
>either cooked along with the burgers or just fresh
>sliced on the bun. At home, normally fresh sliced on
>the bun...sharper onion taste and adds some crunch
>to the sandwich.
>The best homemade burger I've ever had used fresh ground
>sirloin as opposed to "ground beef" or "ground chuck".
>I even tried home "ground" strip steak once. Love the
>steaks but wasn't impressed with it turned into a burger.
>Someday, I still would like to try ground ribeye.
>I suspect that a great burger might be a combo of cuts.

Got out of bed at 6 AM and started a beef stew with a 3 lb top round
steak... lots of carrots, spuds, celery, lge can sml diced tomatas. a
can of brewski, herbs, seasonings, four large cloves garlic, even
sneaked in one onyun, left whole for me... thickened with some Wondra
and some corn starch.
Anyways didn't enjoy my coffee til 10 AM.
I'm very used to begin cooking right out of bed, been doing that my
entire life. Filled a 12 qt pot... beef stew for two days and lots
for the freezer.faggOTS.
Oh, Trump, get off your fat faggot Queens ass and nuke the Chinks!
General Quarters, all hands man your battle stations... NOW!
I've no doubt what so ever that Trump is a cowardly FAGGOT!
However, ALL of DC are COWARDLY FAGGOTS... most especially the
NUKE the Chinks NOW!