You all assume that Zisha = teapot, which it is not. Zisha is "Yixing clay".
I put it in "" because it is actually not clay but a paste that is made from
a clayish sandy rock that is found in Yixing, China.. And while there is no
point of glazing teapots (chahu), there are zisha gaiwans, chabeis,
wenxiangbeis, chahai and other "zisha teaware", besides teapots (chahu).
"Falky foo" > wrote in message
. com...
>I don't really get the point of glazing zisha either. Maybe a glazed
> outside but then you wouldn't be worried about the lead leaching into the
> tea would you?
> And since I like to see my tea against a white background when I'm
> drinking
> it, I don't buy zisha cups anyhow, just plain ceramic.
> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> om...
>> When did glazed zisha become en vogue. It's been a while but mine are
>> unglazed. Even my generic red terracotta pots are unglazed. If
>> someone is selling me glazed zisha I'd suspect the origin. I know
>> Chinese pottery paint has lead but that is normally glazed over making
>> safe for use. You can have a glaze with Chinese paint on top and that
>> is an absolute no-no for use only decorative.
>> Jim
>> "Falky foo" > wrote in message
> > ...
>> > Those were glazed zisha cups.. I'd avoid glazed ware from China and
> India.
>> >
>> > "Alex Chaihorsky" > wrote in message
>> > .. .
>> > > Recently it was found that Hong Kong Consumer counsul that some
>> > > Chinse
>> > Zisha
>> > > cracle-glazed teaware contacins dangerous amounts of lead.
>> > > Beware.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Sasha.