Dave Smith had something important to tell us on Tue, 28 Sep 2004
08:29:29 -0400:
>LM wrote:
>> I'll be in Toronto, Canada in a couple weeks with some time on my hands.
>> What would people recommend doing/seeing/eating while there?
>> Can't be anything very expensive tho, we'll be on a budget.
>> We'll have a car, but would prefer to use public transport, and we'll be
>> staying in a hotel not too far from the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Go to Les Marche (sp?) It's a french market-style restaurant and you
walk around the food stations and choose what you want to eat and they
prepare it for you on the spot and stamp your card so the cashier
knows what you need to pay for. It's not exactly cheap but you can
spend hours there nibbling away at the stuff. MMMMM!!!!!!!!!! You can
also get their goodies to take away. We were very impressed

~Karen AKA Kajikit
Lover of shiny things...
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