On 4/18/2020 1:02 PM, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 4/18/2020 9:36 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 8:17:09 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> Bruce wrote:
>>>>>> How did they shower and flush the toilet?
>>>>> You can flush the toilet by dumping a bucket of water in it.
>>>> Not so easy to have a bucket of water handy if your water
>>>> is cut off. lol
>>> Rainwater. Water from the source you snipped:
>>>>>>> I knew of a family and from a friend their water had been cut off for a few
>>>>>>> years. It seems they owed well over $600 in arrears and never attempted to
>>>>>>> do a payment plan. They just got their water daily from a service/station
>>>>>>> market they lived next door to.
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> Gary's selective trimming of posts sometimes bites him in the ass. 
> You just don't ever read old posts. I never snipped rainwater.
I never said you snipped "rainwater". I have better things to do than
spend my (useless, according to you) life reading old posts. You DO
trim excessively. Got a problem with bandwidth? Are you still using
> Cindy added that after I responded.
> Only mention of alt water was: "They just got their water daily
> from a service/station
> market they lived next door to."
*That* would be how they could flush their toilet. Hauling a bucket of
water from the service station. As long as they were hauling water from
the service station surely they could use some of it to flush the
toilet. Cindy was stating a fact. It is entirely possible to flush a
toilet by pouring a bucket of water in it.