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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default Water

On 4/18/2020 6:02 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2020-04-18 2:50 p.m., wrote:
>> On Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 3:09:18 PM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> The drug store was an important part of the local economy back then.
>>> Many of those people had two problems.Â* For some, they did not have the
>>> $25 or so to open a checking account and if they did, many did not have
>>> the ability of manage one.

>> That's true. I find it amazing the number of people that cannot manage
>> money.Â* I'm talking about small amounts of money and checking accounts.
>> For some, a book of checks meant they could write them until they ran out
>> never mind there was no money in their account.
>>> Lower income people have a lot of disadvantages.Â* They get paid with a
>>> check and [ay to cash it, then they pay a charge to pay a bill, if they
>>> have a credit card they pay the highest interest rates.Â* If they get
>>> trapped in the payday loan thing they pay 300% interest.

>> No all, but so many of those disadvantages of their own making.Â* Many are
>> high school dropouts, no job skills other than menial labor with a passel
>> of children.Â* Children they don't encourage to stay in school and try to
>> do better than mom and dad.

> So it's always the fault of poor people not to be successful and wealthy.
> It was ever thus!

Many reasons, some genetic. Mental illness in various forms and lack of
ability. Some are addicted to drugs or alcohol and are content living
that way.Not everyone wants help.

Take the panhandler you see on the street corner with the "will work for
food" sign. The ones that don't show up when offered work. The ones
given food by well meaning people that toss it away because what they
really want is money for alcohol. There was one that stood by the exit
to a supermarket in town. After a few weeks the highway department was
doing some work and they found a lot of discarded food.

Yes, Twas ever thus