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Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> On 4/18/2020 6:02 PM, graham wrote:
> > On 2020-04-18 2:50 p.m., wrote:
> >> On Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 3:09:18 PM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >>>
> >>> The drug store was an important part of the local economy back then.
> >>> Many of those people had two problems.Â* For some, they did not have the
> >>> $25 or so to open a checking account and if they did, many did not have
> >>> the ability of manage one.
> >>>
> >> That's true. I find it amazing the number of people that cannot manage
> >> money.Â* I'm talking about small amounts of money and checking accounts.
> >> For some, a book of checks meant they could write them until they ran out
> >> never mind there was no money in their account.
> >>>
> >>> Lower income people have a lot of disadvantages.Â* They get paid with a
> >>> check and [ay to cash it, then they pay a charge to pay a bill, if they
> >>> have a credit card they pay the highest interest rates.Â* If they get
> >>> trapped in the payday loan thing they pay 300% interest.
> >>>
> >> No all, but so many of those disadvantages of their own making.Â* Many are
> >> high school dropouts, no job skills other than menial labor with a passel
> >> of children.Â* Children they don't encourage to stay in school and try to
> >> do better than mom and dad.
> >>

> > So it's always the fault of poor people not to be successful and wealthy.
> > It was ever thus!

> Many reasons, some genetic. Mental illness in various forms and lack of
> ability. Some are addicted to drugs or alcohol and are content living
> that way.Not everyone wants help.

When I worked in homeless services I was astounded that a goodly percentage of the hard - core, e.g. street homeless, not only abhor any outreach/assistance, but prefer life on the street. After all, if you have an apartment, there is a certain amount of responsibility in having to follow basic rules, etc....and some do not want the "responsiblity" of even having a rent - free place (utilities included)...

A few years ago there was a small homeless tent city here in Chicago's Uptown. The city and social service agencies made a concerted effort to house over a hundred of them in their own private apartments/living facilities. A year later about half of them had been evicted for various criminal infractions, drugs, disruptive behavior, having "apartments of filth", having pets in no - pet dwellings, barbequing inside, etc....some of these I case - managed, they would deliberately defy basic living rules, and despite our intervention, they ****ed themselves out of their decent private apartments....

> Take the panhandler you see on the street corner with the "will work for
> food" sign. The ones that don't show up when offered work. The ones
> given food by well meaning people that toss it away because what they
> really want is money for alcohol. There was one that stood by the exit
> to a supermarket in town. After a few weeks the highway department was
> doing some work and they found a lot of discarded food.

Many *say* they want to work, but they never have any intention of actually *going* to work and sustaining stable employment. After all, it is spelled "work" for a reason, no...???

Especially with the "dependent" class, they'd sail in demanding "GIVE ME A JOB!" Sorry, I'm not a miracle worker, I cannot undo all of your poor past life decisions - and it is *you* that has to eventually get the job...and you are not going to start out with an easy and well - paying gig in a nice place, even us motivated folk had to start at the bottom...

> Yes, Twas ever thus

Could not have said it better meself...

I helped many poor immigrants and refugees in attaining employment, they would take any - and often multiple - crummy jobs to get ahead, they kept their nose to the grindstone and never complained; they got ahead - and their kids excel academically and will become professionals. This is something that many USAin's would do well to emulate - even the white middle - class ones...
