On Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 6:54:33 PM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> Take the panhandler you see on the street corner with the "will work for
> food" sign. The ones that don't show up when offered work. The ones
> given food by well meaning people that toss it away because what they
> really want is money for alcohol. There was one that stood by the exit
> to a supermarket in town. After a few weeks the highway department was
> doing some work and they found a lot of discarded food.
> Yes, Twas ever thus
Here the 'homeless' and panhandlers sell a newspaper called "The Contributor."
It gives the plight, always slanted of course, of the poor old 'indigent.'
The paper was 50¢ and the seller kept 25¢ but about two years ago the price
was raised to $1 per copy with the seller keeping 50¢. Selling this paper is
supposed to help them until they get back on their feet. For some, it's a
full-time job and actual full-time employment is not what they're wanting.
There was a guy just at the edge of the property at the Kroger I shop at.
He had a little fold-up chair and had this spot for THREE (3) YEARS. Never
once did I see him that his hand was not in a bag of some sort of chips.