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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default I just ate a frozen meal :(

"Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...

On 4/22/2020 6:21 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> Micheleia's Hamburger Mac and Cheese. It was a snack sized portion. That
> part was good as I was only eating a snack. But whoever does the online
> reviews should lose their job! 5 stars my eye! *Shudder* Had a slightly
> weird flavor and the pasta was soft.
> My trip to Walmart tomorrow does not look promising. They are out of stock
> on most everything I would normally buy. We've been eating cereal or
> crackers for a meal almost daily. We also have cheese and canned goods.
> That's about it.
> I need REAL food! And paper towels. Stores seem to have TP now but no
> paper towels.

I almost feel sorry for you , sitting here with a freezer full of
various meats and a pantry well stocked with all the things we like .
We've even got fresh lettuce in the fridge and green onions growing both
out in the garden and in a big plastic pot out on the deck . Fresh
tomatoes would be nice , but all that's available here are commercially
grown tomato-shaped objects that have no flavor . I can wait for our
home grown .



I do feel sorry for her. Like you, we keep a good store and freezers
full always. We are fairly remote, with no shops nearby so I don't like to
take chances. I suppose anyone living near shops who can normally get out
easily don't need to worry so much. Times like these are not really

I can see that in the future, more people will keep stocks the way we

This pandemic could change views on many things.

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