Flour shortage
"S Viemeister" > wrote in message
>I haven't been able to get bread flour for the past month and a half, but I
>did manage to snag a 10 kilo sack of chapati flour, which I had never used
>before. I made my first loaf with it today, using 250g whole wheat flour
>and 300g of the chapati. It rose well, baked nicely, and tastes good. The
>only difference was that it required 20g more water than I usually use for
>this recipe (fits a 4x12 pan).
I managed to get a three pack of Wondra online. It's more than I need they
were out of singles. In the stores, I have seen coconut, almond and bean
flour. Sugar of all kinds is hard to come by here too. I did find some
today. The white crystals and Tubinado.
No yeast. They did have tiny boxes of baking soda and now they have baking
powder. They've been out of that for awhile.