A solution
On 4/23/2020 5:49 PM, Leo wrote:
> On 2020 Apr 23, , Terry Coombs wrote
> (in article >):
>> Yesterday was pretty busy , made 3 batches of bread
>> products in the afternoon and spent all morning working on that bee
>> stuff . I have material to finish one more outer top cover , then I'll
>> be waiting for the next trip to town so I can pick up some more aluminum
>> flashing to finish the last two .
> Yesterday, I de-winterized my sprinkler system and cleared out the damned
> earwigs that clog some of the sprinkler heads from the inside of the pipes.
> There were six sprinkler heads that needed that done. I dont work low to
> the ground well anymore.
> Today, I mowed the lawn in the morning and am now concentrating on seeing
> how much beer it will take to ease my aching joints.
> [ObFood] Tonight will be boneless NY steaks marinated in soy sauce, water
> and crushed garlic, good ole chicken Rice-A-Roni and microwaved fresh
> broccoli.
> leo
Â* Next time you marinate a steak add a little red wine to the mix .
Adds a little flavor , but also tenderizes the meat .
Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !