"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 4/23/2020 6:01 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Terry Coombs" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 4/23/2020 3:31 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Terry Coombs" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On 4/22/2020 6:21 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> Micheleia's Hamburger Mac and Cheese. It was a snack sized portion.
>>>>>> That part was good as I was only eating a snack. But whoever does the
>>>>>> online reviews should lose their job! 5 stars my eye! *Shudder* Had a
>>>>>> slightly weird flavor and the pasta was soft.
>>>>>> My trip to Walmart tomorrow does not look promising. They are out of
>>>>>> stock on most everything I would normally buy. We've been eating
>>>>>> cereal or crackers for a meal almost daily. We also have cheese and
>>>>>> canned goods. That's about it.
>>>>>> I need REAL food! And paper towels. Stores seem to have TP now but no
>>>>>> paper towels.
>>>>> I almost feel sorry for you , sitting here with a freezer full of
>>>>> various meats and a pantry well stocked with all the things we like .
>>>>> We've even got fresh lettuce in the fridge and green onions growing
>>>>> both out in the garden and in a big plastic pot out on the deck .
>>>>> Fresh tomatoes would be nice , but all that's available here are
>>>>> commercially grown tomato-shaped objects that have no flavor . I can
>>>>> wait for our home grown .
>>>> I was able to get a little fresh meat today, but mostly more
>>>> frozen/prepared food.
>>> Y'all got it bad there , around here it's pretty much business as
>>> usual - with masks on a lot of folks . We haven't had shortages for a
>>> while now , last week there was quite a bit of TP on the WM shelves -
>>> even the cheap stuff . My wife grew up dirt poor in a single parent
>>> (mostly , except for the perv stepdad) and they often wondered where the
>>> next meal was coming from . She refuses to live like that , and that's
>>> fine with me . And so we keep a pretty good supply of basic ingredients
>>> on hand . Not much in the way of prepared stuff , we prefer to build
>>> from scratch .
>> I think the problem is that we can only shop every two weeks. We are not
>> allowed to go just for eggs or milk. So we try to think of everything we
>> might need until we get to the store again.
> Who the heck is keeping track of how many times you go to the grocery
> store? I'd like to know how they're doing that.
We are really on our honor. They are tracking us on our cell phones, via
cams, helicopters and also those "pass" things installed in cars. Not sure
what they are. I don't have one. However...
This is the country I live in and this Sheriff won't enforce the rules.