Thread: Flour shortage
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Flour shortage

On 2020-04-24 8:33 a.m., Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:59:01 -0600, graham > wrote:
>> I have too many bread and cake-making books. New bread books are a
>> variation of old ones and so I don't buy any more. There is a new cake
>> baking book however...........

> Is that the cronut guy or am I confusing him with its inventor?

I think so but I looked at the Amazon preview and it is a serious book.

> I've never been any sort of decent layer cake baker. Oh, I've not
> poisoned anyone, but I have always thought the cakes were more trouble
> than they were worth. And there is my innate stubbornness about paying
> strict attention to recipes that always puts me off, even though I
> follow the recipes carefully.

I taught my granddaughter to make the classic Victoria Sponge cake after
experimenting with the recipe to get it to work at altitude. She is very
organized and follows directions carefully, reminding me when I forget a
BTW To make a real sponge cake, borrow all the ingredients!
>> I have a modest collection of classical music cds but stopped buying new
>> ones a couple of years ago as I have good performances (often several)
>> of the works that I enjoy. Now Sokolov is bringing out a new 2cd set and
>> I'm torn!

> I replaced all the mono records with stereo, then all those LPs over
> the years with CDs, then some got replaced with remastered versions
> along the way, and now I just find the damn things online and listen
> when I want.

I converted about 300 of my favourites to the mp3 format and stored them
on a coupe of memory sticks to play in the car. One large IKEA book case
reduced to a couple of one inch long sticks.