I just ate a frozen meal :(
On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 22:56:15 -0400, Creme Fraiche > wrote:
>on 4/25/2020, Bruce supposed :
>> On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 22:35:31 -0400, Creme Fraiche > wrote:
>>> Bruce expressed precisely :
>>>> On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 21:18:02 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>>> On 4/25/2020 5:46 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>>> Nevertheless, vegetarians don't eat fish. This may be a confusion
>>>>>> among older Americans. Vegetarianism and animal welfare are so alien
>>>>>> to them, that they use the wrong words. Just like they call everyone
>>>>>> who's more liberal than them a socialist. They're a bit simple.
>>>>> Sometimes we call them communists.
>>>> All the same thing, Ed. Liberal, socialist, communist, green, ***,
>>>> alternative, sustainable. All the same: enemies of the good ole USA.
>>> Not true at all, Bruce, we have all of those
>>> people living here, and voting.
>>> You really are clueless about the USA.
>> Of course they're living there. Duh.
>We have *ALL* types living here, every color
>or creed.
No, really? What do you think about Australia and Europe? Did you
think they don't have all colours and creeds? Really? Do you know
anything about what goes on in other countries?
>> You put words in my mouth
>Show me where I put any words in your mouth.
First you pretend that I said you don't have all kinds of people in
the US and then you say I'm wrong about that. But I never said it.
>We're a melting pot over here, not homogeneous,
Yes, so is Australia and so are many countries. You only think the US
is speshial because you don't know anything about other countries than
your own.