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Gary Gary is offline
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Default I just ate a frozen meal :(

Bruce wrote:
> Thanks Americans! On to Vietnam!

Sadly, the Vietnam war (their civil war)
was actually a war between the USA and
the Soviet Union. Or more distincly a
war about communism vs the alternate.
Many more countries participated in that too.

Those Vietnamese kids (north and south)
were only pawns in that chess game.

Our people had to fight a war with one hand tied
behind there backs and that's why it dragged on
so long with so many loss of lives on both sides.

IMO, if we declare war on some country, we should tell
our military, "Go win this," and let them do what they
were trained to do. Don't limit what they can do.
End it quick.

And you can even learn a lesson from the Nazi's and
their early Blitzkriegs. Attack with full force all at
once and overwhelm your enemy.

That's how our Special Forces are trained.