I just ate a frozen meal :(
On Mon, 27 Apr 2020 11:34:57 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Bruce wrote:
>> Thanks Americans! On to Vietnam!
>Sadly, the Vietnam war (their civil war)
>was actually a war between the USA and
>the Soviet Union. Or more distincly a
>war about communism vs the alternate.
>Many more countries participated in that too.
>Those Vietnamese kids (north and south)
>were only pawns in that chess game.
>Our people had to fight a war with one hand tied
>behind there backs and that's why it dragged on
>so long with so many loss of lives on both sides.
>IMO, if we declare war on some country, we should tell
>our military, "Go win this," and let them do what they
>were trained to do. Don't limit what they can do.
>End it quick.
>And you can even learn a lesson from the Nazi's and
>their early Blitzkriegs. Attack with full force all at
>once and overwhelm your enemy.
>That's how our Special Forces are trained.
It was a ridiculous war by a misbehaving US. All because your
presidents were more concerned with re-election than with human life,
whether American or Vietnamese. It was mankind at its worst.