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I just ate a frozen meal :(
On 2020-04-27 12:53 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
> On 4/27/2020 12:37 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 21:51:41 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>> "Jinx the Minx" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Julie Bove > wrote:
>>>>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> "Terry Coombs"Â* wrote in message ...
>>>>>> On 4/22/2020 6:21 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>> Micheleia's Hamburger Mac and Cheese. It was a snack sized portion.
>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>> part was good as I was only eating a snack. But whoever does the
>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>> reviews should lose their job! 5 stars my eye! *Shudder* Had a
>>>>>>> slightly
>>>>>>> weird flavor and the pasta was soft.
>>>>>>> My trip to Walmart tomorrow does not look promising. They are out of
>>>>>>> stock on most everything I would normally buy. We've been eating
>>>>>>> cereal
>>>>>>> or crackers for a meal almost daily. We also have cheese and canned
>>>>>>> goods. That's about it.
>>>>>>> I need REAL food! And paper towels. Stores seem to have TP now
>>>>>>> but no
>>>>>>> paper towels.
>>>>>> I almost feel sorry for you , sitting here with a freezer full of
>>>>>> various meats and a pantry well stocked with all the things we like .
>>>>>> We've even got fresh lettuce in the fridge and green onions
>>>>>> growing both
>>>>>> out in the garden and in a big plastic pot out on the deck . Fresh
>>>>>> tomatoes would be nice , but all that's available here are
>>>>>> commercially
>>>>>> grown tomato-shaped objects that have no flavor . I can wait for our
>>>>>> home grown .
>>>>>> Snag
>>>>>> ====
>>>>>> I do feel sorry for her.Â* Like you, we keep a good store and freezers
>>>>>> full always.Â* We are fairly remote, with no shops nearby so I
>>>>>> don't like
>>>>>> to take chances.Â*Â* I suppose anyone living near shops who can
>>>>>> normally
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> out easily don't need to worry so much.Â* Times like these are not
>>>>>> really
>>>>>> expected I suppose.
>>>>> I normally keep a good stock but we've been on lockdown longer than
>>>>> most.
>>>>> We're only allowed one trip to the store every two weeks and things
>>>>> are
>>>>> being rationed. I did get paper towels today but there was a limit
>>>>> of one
>>>>> package. So 6 rolls as that was the only kind they had.
>>>> Interesting. My friend lives just 20 minutes away from Bothell in
>>>> Edmonds.
>>>> Theyre not restricted from going to the store more often than once
>>>> every
>>>> 2
>>>> weeks.
>>> I'm from Edmonds. They sure are. It applies to the whole state. But
>>> seemingly the only other person I know who heard the press conference
>>> where
>>> Inslee said this is my friend Jim. He repeated back to me what he
>>> heard and
>>> it was exactly what I heard.
>> I suggest you read he
>> and he
>> How can I stay safe when going grocery shopping?
>> You can take several steps you can take before, during and after you
>> go grocery shopping to keep yourself and others safe.
>> Before you go
>> Only make needed trips. Don't go to the store if you're sick, and be
>> extra cautious if you or a loved one is more likely to get sick from
>> COVID-19.
>> Wash your hands.
>> Consider ordering groceries online for pick up or delivery.
>> Check for special hours. Many stories offer special shopping hours for
>> people over 60, pregnant people, and those with medical conditions.
>> At the store
>> Wear a cloth face covering that covers your nose and mouth.
>> Use hand sanitizer or an antiseptic wipe to clean the handles of a
>> grocery cart or basket.
>> Keep your distance of at least six feet between you and others, even
>> in the checkout line.
>> Cover your coughs and sneezes.
>> Don't touch your face.
>> Save some for your neighbors. Only buy what you need so there will be
>> enough for everyone.
>> When you get home
>> Wash your hands.
>> Practice food safety. Don't disinfect your groceries. Wash your fruit
>> and vegetables as you normally would.
>> As I said, check your state government COVID-19 resource pages and
>> stop repeating some radio newsreader with an urge to show off.
>> Janet US
> Sadly, Janet US, she's not willing to check official sources.Â* She's
> repeating stuff she's heard on the radio or that which has been repeated
> by someone who listens to this radio program.Â* Oh well.
> Jill
J.B. Priestley would have placed her in what he defined as "Admass".