I just ate a frozen meal :(
jmcquown wrote:
> On 4/27/2020 9:18 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Omni Vore" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 4/25/2020 12:32 PM, Doris Night wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 23:05:41 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> I am not polite when it comes to Inslee. And if you are making
>>>>> that claim,
>>>>> then you don't listen to his press conferences or KIRO radio.
>>>> Why would any of us here listen to KIRO radio? I've never even
>>>> heard
>>>> of it.
>>> Droolie's an idiot, and that means she's too stupid to
>>> understand that
>>> most here aren't in the metro Seattle region. She listens to
>>> opinion
>>> talk shows on local right-wing radio and confuses it with actual
>>> news.
>>> Dori Monson, the host of one of these right-wing talk shows,
>>> likes to
>>> play edited clips that make it sound like the governor is ordering
>>> people to do things, when in fact, it's excerpted from a longer
>>> presscon with suggestions of what people might do to minimize the
>>> spread of the virus and its associated disease. There is no
>>> "telling"
>>> anyone to do anything.
>> Dori is a Libertarian. If you listened to his show, you would
>> know this. I'll bet you couldn't tell me what Inslee said today,
>> could you? Thought not!
>> <snip>
> No one gives a shit what Inslee said on your radio today.* He does
> not have the authority to tell people they cannot shop for food.
> He'd be lynched if he told people they had to stay home and
> starve.* Good lord! Go to the store and buy some food already.
> Jill
The stores won't have anything she can eat.