Leo wrote:
> On 2020 Apr 30, , Cindy Hamilton wrote
> (in >):
> > Nobody wants to work if it endangers their life. Him waving his hand
> > and saying "everybody back to work" is foolish and simplistic.
> And yet it isnt happening, because he ceded the power to open up the
> states to the respective governors, and nearly all are scared sh*tless to
> make the call. The rest will act as petri dishes, and we go from there.
> Personally, I think its too soon, but it has to happen sometime in the
> near future.
> Nobody knows sh*t, but were making strides, we think and hope.
Here ya go, Illannoy guv Pritzker IS scared shitless [although his missus flew down to Florida recently to holiday at their $12 million dollar horse farm, LOL!) and this article sez we will be on lockdown past July 4th weekend; I expect to see wide - spread civil disobedience if this happens:
A DEFICIT OF COURAGE: Gov. Pritzker plans to keep Illinois closed until after July 4 weekend
April 28, 2020
"Two independent sources inside Governor Pritzkers administration have confirmed that their boss plans to keep Illinois closed until after the July 4th weekend.
Neither official would talk on record, but both echoed the same potentially bad news for Land of Lincoln residents. And they cited the governors risk-aversion for his paralysis in making moves to open Illinois for business.
Last week, Governer Jay Robert Pritzker (aka Judgement: Bad) extended his Executive Order and related €śrules€ť and other edicts through the end of May. However, the gov. has already faced one successful lawsuit blocking his unconstitutional restrictions. Additionally, a number of sheriffs and police chiefs have announced they have no intention of enforcing Pritzkers economically disastrous orders.
Behind the scenes and news conferences, Pritzker plans to keep Illinois closed through the end of the Independence Day weekend.
Because Chicago is the epicenter of Chinese flu cases in Illinois. And the governor remains utterly terrified that he will be blamed for any surge of infections and deaths that might follow a massive weekend of celebrations in the Windy City and in the collar counties, especially after a spring-time of people cooped up and eager to get out and socialize.
Yeah, its easy for him to heap blame upon President Trump but Pritzkers thin skin cant take it. Hes basically paralyzed with fear. Fear that he will be blamed. Fear that he will look weak and ineffective.
One specific event in particular has Pritzker terrified more than any other: the massive fireworks display in Chicago at Navy Pier. Hundreds of thousands gather together, packed closely, to watch the incredible pyrotechnic and laser show.
Aside from his fears of catching blame and second-guessing for Chinese flu infections and deaths, Pritzkers secondary fear is that he will look weak if (when) people begin to largely ignore his edicts from on high
Pritzkers worried the local businesses will tell government agents trying to implement business closures and other regulations to go pound sand. Because under Illinois Department of Health Act (20 ILCS 2305), while the Illinois Department of Public Health may shut down a non-compliant business, they must get a court hearing within 48-hours or the mandatory closure loses its force of law and government officials must then rely on €śvoluntary€ť cooperation. And at this point, without a court order, the business owner may re-open with impunity. And stay open.
And even if the local health authorities go to court, theyre going to run up against local judges, elected by (and held accountable to) local people. Odds are under Equal Protection arguments and others, it will prove a tough sell for government to force closure of one business when others doing similar work under similar circumstances are allowed to remain open. (Construction as an example€¦ construction for government projects continues apace while private construction is supposed to be idled to protect against Wuflu infections).
In addition to fear that businesses and everyday people will begin to ignore his €śorders,€ť Pritzkers worried about sheriffs, police chiefs and local units of government publicly refusing to enforce them.
This is why Mr. Multi-billionaire Governor came completely unglued when he heard about the Clay County court that sided with Rep. Darren Bailey in ruling Pritzker over-stepped his authority.
His Royal Highness doesnt like it when some rural county jurist tells the world that the Emporer has no clothes..."