On Fri, 01 May 2020 00:31:00 -0700, Leo >
>On 2020 Apr 30, , Bruce wrote
>(in >):
>> He ceded power? Didn't the governors always have that power? And
>> didn't everybody know that, except Trump? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm
>> not American, you know.
>Imprecise language on my part. Every governor would like him to be the
>final word. Every congressman would too. Not one Democrat would object if
>he did. One person to blame is safer than a thousand. He didnt fall for
He wanted absolute power, thought he had absolute power, said he had
absolute power and then was corrected off-screen by wiser men than
>Meanwhile, he implemented the Defense Production Act for ventilators which
>were deemed vital in early March, desperately needed, and practically
>nonexistent for the coming crisis.
Trump was too slow. He underestimated this crisis for a long time.
That's why the US is now the country with the second highest amount of
corona cases per capita, after Italy.