Leo wrote:
> On 2020 May 1, , GM wrote
> (in >):
> > History will one day judge that this whole extended lockdown thing as one of
> > the biggest goofs in history, along the lines of Hitler invading the USSR or
> > Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" utterance...
> Check out my refrigerator and high dollar ice cream -- Nancy Pelosi
> If you need a job, go to work for an essential service -- Andrew Cuomo
> Their arrogance is magnificent, but Democrats love them. I dont get it.
It is like our Chicago Mayor boasting that she got a haircut, because "I need to present a professional appearance" - 'course she had a private hairdresser come to her home, and the happy haircut picture was posted on social media...
Or our FATASS billionaire (a heir to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, and the richest politician in the US) Illanoy governor's wife who just flew down to their lavish Florida horse farm...I guess this was "esential" travel, eh...???
But you don't see criticism about these things in the lamestream major liberal media...
Yeah the Dem "chattering classes" are sincerely hoping that this Chinese flu is the thing that will *finally* "get" Trump...even if it means the ruination of the economy and thus many milions of lives. Their dream is to so devastate the fates of average folks so that they can enforce a socialist agenda of dependency (similar to how the "War on Poverty" destroyed urban minorities and made them a dependent class)...if this continues the US will be looking a lot like destitute backwards Cuba...
Life in permanent lockdown is the dream of lefties like OAC who want the "Green New Deal"...I mean carbon emissions are down, fossil - fueled manufacturing is on the ropes, we can even be "eliminating" meat from our diets...all for the "public good"...!!!
If you wanna see "The Brave New Green World" in action, go here, very scary, fights worldwide are down 80 - 100%:
All for now, but this is my informed opinion...