Vegetable processing plants are next
Bruce wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 22:32:37 -0700, Leo >
> wrote:
> >On 2020 Apr 30, , Cindy Hamilton wrote
> >(in >):
> >
> >> Nobody wants to work if it endangers their life. Him waving his hand
> >> and saying "everybody back to work" is foolish and simplistic.
> >
> >And yet it isnt happening, because he ceded the power to open up the
> >states to the respective governors
> He ceded power? Didn't the governors always have that power? And
> didn't everybody know that, except Trump? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm
> not American, you know.
You worry so much, I'll nominate you as the American Mascot.
The individual state governors have always had the final say yet
Trump gets blamed for everything bad.
Sadly, Americans have turned this serious pandemic into
political games only thinking about next November.
NO ONE will take responsibility for their own actions.
So easy to blame someone else when they screw up.