Vegetable processing plants are next
On Fri, 01 May 2020 09:55:11 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Bruce wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 22:32:37 -0700, Leo >
>> wrote:
>> >On 2020 Apr 30, , Cindy Hamilton wrote
>> >(in >):
>> >
>> >> Nobody wants to work if it endangers their life. Him waving his hand
>> >> and saying "everybody back to work" is foolish and simplistic.
>> >
>> >And yet it isnt happening, because he ceded the power to open up the
>> >states to the respective governors
>> He ceded power? Didn't the governors always have that power? And
>> didn't everybody know that, except Trump? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm
>> not American, you know.
>You worry so much, I'll nominate you as the American Mascot.
>The individual state governors have always had the final say yet
>Trump gets blamed for everything bad.
>Sadly, Americans have turned this serious pandemic into
>political games only thinking about next November.
>NO ONE will take responsibility for their own actions.
>So easy to blame someone else when they screw up.
This serious pandemic turned itself into a global socio-economic
The ego-centricity you claim about it being only a political game in
and only so in the US because of the election is foolish and blind.