Vegetable processing plants are next
On Fri, 01 May 2020 10:15:36 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Boron Elgar wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>> >Sadly, Americans have turned this serious pandemic into
>> >political games only thinking about next November.
>> >NO ONE will take responsibility for their own actions.
>> >So easy to blame someone else when they screw up.
>> This serious pandemic turned itself into a global socio-economic
>> crisis.
>> The ego-centricity you claim about it being only a political game in
>> and only so in the US because of the election is foolish and blind.
>I'm only talking about conditions in the USA. Get it?
I not only "get it," ya goofball, I analyze and write about it, ok?
>So tell me. Do you agree that it's all Trump's fault?
>Or at least, mostly his? (in the USA, I'm talking about)
What are you even talking about? What is Trump's fault? If you are
going to set up a straw man, at least put a few strands of straw in