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Default Vegetable processing plants are next

On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:35:29 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>Stories are beginning about investigations into frozen vegetable
>plants and workers being told to show up so product doesn't spoil. I
>can't see why that wouldn't also apply to food canning plants and
>those facilities that handle only fresh produce.
>rump wants to force everyone to work regardless of density of the
>virus or whether they are sick. Workers say they refuse to work in
>those unsafe conditions.
>It will be interesting to see how everything goes.
>Janet US

The idiot people of this world need to realize that a virus has to run
its course. Can it be controlled? No not really. It can be slowed but
usually can not be stopped completely, at least not in a few years. It
is something that takes decades.
You can either have a lot of people that get infected all at once then
those that recover are fine and the problem has passed. in a few week
or maybe a few month. Or you can get every one to go into self
isolation and wear masks in public so you can slow the spread and then
the problem can take years for the virus to run its course. I will
always choose the first option. People are going to die anyway so TAKE
off the god damn masks and let this virus run its course.
But no the idiots in power want to remain in power even though they
are idiots and say wear your masks, so what ends up happening is the
planet will be shut down for longer periods of time, the economies all
go to shit, there is another world wide depression and PEOPLE STILL

GET OVER IT ALREADY. If its your time then suck it up an accept that
your time in this world is over. Dont boo hoo about it and send this
world into shit because you are worried about getting sick.
Now I do not know how many people are familiar with history BUT the
last world wide depression led to the second world war and 75+ million
people died because of it. That is what it took to bring this world
out of the depression. Is that what the idiots in power want now? Is
that what you want?
Should we all pray to the imaginary baby jesus and ask for help? Well
the christians might but then again the christians are one of the main
causes for ww2.

so choose what you want.


____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____