Vegetable processing plants are next
On Fri, 1 May 2020 16:04:45 -0400, jmcquown >
>The Big Giant Talking (Orange) Head still thinks everything will be back
>to normal in a couple of weeks. [Note: I've noticed his orange "tan" is
>noticibly fading... is he running out of Coppertone self-tanning
>lotion?!) There are no facts to back up what he's saying. He talks
>about how many people have access to Covid-19 tests with no facts to
>back it up.
>Any time one of the medical experts at one of his ["Look at ME!"] press
>conferences tries to answer a medical question he cuts them off. He's
>playing politics with people's lives while he's hunkered down in the
>White House. Oh, and bitching because he can't leave the White House.
>Uh... I for one would LOVE to see him leave the White House. Heh.
>And what's the deal with VP Pence visiting Covid-19 patients at the Mayo
>Clinic and he's the only man in a ward full of sick people and
>front-line healthcare workers who *isn't* wearing a mask? Pence
>addressed that by saying he gets tested every week. Oh, I'm sure the
>general population is thrilled he can get tested regularly. What about
>everyone else?
Does he think he can't get it because he gets tested?