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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Vegetable processing plants are next

On Friday, May 1, 2020 at 1:22:39 PM UTC-10, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Fri, 1 May 2020 16:04:45 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
> >On 4/30/2020 3:26 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> >> On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:58:31 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> >>
> >>> "U.S. Janet B." wrote:
> >>>> the farmers aren't going to vote for rump or any GOP if the farmer can
> >>>> see his produce rotting in the field or on the tree.
> >>>
> >>> I will say one thing. You are certainly steady in your hatred
> >>> of everything Trump.
> >>>
> >>> You just said the he wants all factory workers to work yet he
> >>> will be voted out because farm workers won't pick vegetables.
> >>> He wants everyone to get back to work and we need to.
> >>>
> >>> This is the america that we all fear. No common sense.
> >>> Just blind hatred against one party or the other.
> >>> Americans are pretty much equal in that.
> >>
> >> I just gave you facts. Do you think it is o.k. for the president to
> >> order the meat plants back to work and give the plants and owners
> >> immunity from any legal action brought against them but not giving
> >> any protections for the workers?
> >> He's ordering the workers to go back and get sick and maybe die for
> >> $15/hour. for the pork plants and $14/hour for the chicken plants.
> >> The hot spots for the virus in each state is located in the plant
> >> community.
> >> That is not blind hatred on my part. It is anger that he did not
> >> include edicts regarding plant cleaning, installation of separation of
> >> workers, masks, hand washing facilities, closing down to accommodate
> >> all the sick workers, testing to determine the scope of the sickness
> >> etc
> >>
> >> Janet US
> >>

> >The Big Giant Talking (Orange) Head still thinks everything will be back
> >to normal in a couple of weeks. [Note: I've noticed his orange "tan" is
> >noticibly fading... is he running out of Coppertone self-tanning
> >lotion?!) There are no facts to back up what he's saying. He talks
> >about how many people have access to Covid-19 tests with no facts to
> >back it up.
> >
> >Any time one of the medical experts at one of his ["Look at ME!"] press
> >conferences tries to answer a medical question he cuts them off. He's
> >playing politics with people's lives while he's hunkered down in the
> >White House. Oh, and bitching because he can't leave the White House.
> >Uh... I for one would LOVE to see him leave the White House. Heh.
> >
> >And what's the deal with VP Pence visiting Covid-19 patients at the Mayo
> >Clinic and he's the only man in a ward full of sick people and
> >front-line healthcare workers who *isn't* wearing a mask? Pence
> >addressed that by saying he gets tested every week. Oh, I'm sure the
> >general population is thrilled he can get tested regularly. What about
> >everyone else?
> >
> >Jill

> I know, you're right.. It's all about the visual for the upcoming
> election.
> Janet US

Oddly enough, I'm okay with el vice-presidente not wearing a mask. That gringo is scary enough without a mask.