Vegetable processing plants are next
Bruce wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> >"U.S. Janet B." wrote:
> >> the farmers aren't going to vote for rump or any GOP if the farmer can
> >> see his produce rotting in the field or on the tree.
> >
> >I will say one thing. You are certainly steady in your hatred
> >of everything Trump.
> Just as you are steady in defending him against all odds.
OK's the deal.
John here often posts dumb shit and he is constantly picked
on and bullied to no end. Even when he posts normal things,
he's always critisized here. At this point, he is
damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
And you stick up for him because of the constant bullying.
I agree too.
Same for me with Trump. Not our best President and he often
says dumb shit but this insane constant bullying is not
right. He's also damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
You defend John against the bullying yet you join the
wolf pack against Trump. Respond with your niftiest retort
but you ARE a bully just like those you don't like.
Your way is not necessarily the right way.