Vegetable processing plants are next
On Sat, 02 May 2020 08:27:36 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>"U.S. Janet B." wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>> >Oddly enough, I'm okay with el vice-presidente not wearing a mask. That gringo is scary enough without a mask.
>> true enough, but at least your wife and daughters are safe
>> Janet US
>Ok, Mrs.Democrat. Now your beloved Biden is accused of being
>a "pussy-grabber" (TM Bruce). He says it's not true.
>Do you believe him or do you believe the woman?
>Remember - with this "Me Too" movement, the men are
>automatically considered guilty and lose their jobs.
>No trial necessary.
That last paragraph shows you up well for the flaming piece of sexist
shit you are.