Vegetable processing plants are next
On 2020-05-02 9:36 a.m., Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Fri, 1 May 2020 18:48:54 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>> Hows that sap that runs your tiny population country doing? Hes a
>>> dandy with a pedigree, Ill give him that. What were his other
>>> qualifications? Did you vote for him? If so, why?
>>> leo
>> He's widely respected by other world leaders and at least he has the
>> guts to introduce sensible gun controls.
> Yup. Trudeau is intelligent, willing to make bold choices and has a
> decent relationship with other world leaders or similar decency.
He is a smooth talker. I will give him that. He just enacted a
ridiculous gun control regulation that bans a class of firearm basically
because they look nasty. There has never been a problem with "assault
rifles" in Canada, but he and his fellow Liberals have an issue with
them because of an incident that happened more than 30 years ago.
Firearms can only be legally owned by people who are licensed. We had a
mass shooting last year that involved a person who illegally acquired a
rifle, shot a cop, stole her hand gun and then killed a bunch more
people. We have young gang members running around shooting each other
on a weekly basis, all with illegal handguns, usually smuggled into the
country, but they keep coming up with excuses fro violent crime by
marginalized youth.
The same guy fired his Attorney General because she refused to pressure
an independent prosecutor to allow a DPA for a company that was being
prosecuted on corruption charges. She told him quite clearly that it is
improper to allow a DPA in that case, that it was improper for her to
pressure the independent prosecutor and improper for him to pressure
her. So he fired her. When she went public and there was so much proof
he could no longer deny it he finally admitted that he had done wrong
and said that he took full responsibility which, in his mind, appears to
mean he can no longer deny it so he will fess up but not face consequences.