Vegetable processing plants are next
On 2020-05-02 2:36 p.m., graham wrote:
> On 2020-05-02 9:47 a.m., Dave Smith wrote:
>> Ahh... the old pseudo intellectual association of fire arms and penis
>> size. That ranks up there with the irony of people assuming that all
>> cops are racists.
> The legislation should also have included an absolute ban on hand guns.
> And before you spit out your coffee, don't bother spouting that NRA crap
> that "it won't stop criminals" etc.
> That guy in Nova Scotia only became a criminal when he used the guns.
That guy had no PAL. He was not entitled to be in possession of any
firearm. Yet... he had at least one when he shot the Mountie. He then
stole her sidearm. For those who think that only military and police
should be able to carry hand guns, half of the killings in the worst
mass killing in Nova Scotia were committed with a cop's gun. We have
been told for years by the anti gun ground that people should not be
able to have hand guns because they might be stolen and used by
criminals. Well.... apparently it can happen and in this case it was a
cop's gun, so maybe they should not be able to carry them either.
Why is it always the RCMP that end up getting shot in these situations?
Are they that badly trained or just completely incompetent? You may
recall a situation out in Alberta a few years back. That was in the good
old days when we had that useless long gun registry. The guy in that
situation was a violent offender who should have been in jail. He was on
a weapons prohibition so he was not allowed to possess any guns at all.
So one by one, the horsie cops show up at his farm and, one by one they
get shot by a gun who, they were told had no firearms.... no PAL
therefore no guns.
I have to ask what harm it does anyone for sport shooters like myself,
to shoot holes in paper targets? I have never advocated either open or
concealed carry. Canadian law does not allow you to shoot people. In the
rare case that it has happened, even the guys who were acquitted went
through legal hell.