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Bruce[_33_] Bruce[_33_] is offline
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Default Vegetable processing plants are next

On Sat, 02 May 2020 09:23:34 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Bruce wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>> >"U.S. Janet B." wrote:
>> >> the farmers aren't going to vote for rump or any GOP if the farmer can
>> >> see his produce rotting in the field or on the tree.
>> >
>> >I will say one thing. You are certainly steady in your hatred
>> >of everything Trump.

>> Just as you are steady in defending him against all odds.

>OK's the deal.
>John here often posts dumb shit and he is constantly picked
>on and bullied to no end. Even when he posts normal things,
>he's always critisized here. At this point, he is
>damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
>And you stick up for him because of the constant bullying.
>I agree too.
>Same for me with Trump. Not our best President and he often
>says dumb shit but this insane constant bullying is not
>right. He's also damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
>You defend John against the bullying yet you join the
>wolf pack against Trump. Respond with your niftiest retort
>but you ARE a bully just like those you don't like.
>Your way is not necessarily the right way.

When you become a high profile politician, you'll have defenders and
detractors. It's part of the job. Not to mention the fact that Trump
probably doesn't read RFC