Vegetable processing plants are next
On Sat, 2 May 2020 12:55:32 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>On Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 3:44:51 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> On Sat, 02 May 2020 14:37:05 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>> >graham wrote:
>> >>
>> >> That guy in Nova Scotia only became a criminal when he used the guns.
>> >
>> >I've got a nifty hunting knife.
>> The current gun thing really puzzles me. I grew up with relatives and
>> their offspring going hunting in the fall. Nobody had more than one
>> or two long guns. They hiked to spots and checked the area out for
>> potential game, came back in the fall and first day of hunting was
>> Thanksgiving day. If they each got their deer they were done for the
>> season except meeting their quota for duck and goose. Everybody knew
>> the safe way to handle a gun. Everyone and their male offspring
>> was/would be in the military. To this day back home, nobody has any
>> of the military styled assault weapons. I just don't get it at all.
>> War and killing people is a gruesome, painful thing. I can't imagine
>> fantasizing and playing war. I'm thankful I never had to because I
>> know I would kill to protect my own and I would suffer for it
>> afterwards.
>> Janet US
>My husband has an unreasonable number of guns. He likes having stuff.
>(We also have an unreasonable amount of art glass for the same reason.)
>Don't get me started on the three bandsaws.
>He's got a .22 rifle for target shooting. Nice old piece with a wooden
>stock. He also has a .223 rifle that looks pretty damned military, but
>underneath it isn't much different from his .22 rifle. One trigger pull,
>one bullet. He likes it because his shoulder is wrecked and it doesn't
>have much of a kick.
>He took his deer with a .357 Magnum pistol because he can't shoulder
>a rifle big enough to kill a deer.
Then he knows absolutely nothing about firearms, nor do you... a 12ga.
loaded with buck shot has less than half the kick of a .357 magnum
pistol... what else does he have you hoodwinked about? There's likely
not a damned thing wrong with his shoulder other than that's his alibi
for ED because he can no longer get it up... his 'shooting' problem is
urological. Have him make appointment with a urologist and you buy a
new bra wardrobe... your ancient washed out $3.99 white cotton Playtex
bras won't do it.
>For the most part, it's not about the gun. It's about the shooter. I'd
>like to see some meaningful laws in this country that would keep guns
>out of the hands of weirdos. A good first step would be to consistently
>enforce the laws that are in place.
>Cindy Hamilton